| - I was seriously worried about this place. I read the Yelp reviews and I talked to friends....and I'm not gonna lie....they scared me a little! All I heard was: super dirty dive bar, incredibly smokey inside and super judgey hipsters. It's sad when judgey hipsters scare you more than thugs with guns!
So I was SUPER pumped to get back to my 90's roots with 90's night. I know they have a lot of themed nights, but I can't deny getting in touch with my inner biggie biggie biggie!
Let me tell you, doubters be damned, it was a total blast! I'm usually a club girl. Living in the "big city" for some time now, I'm used to going to clubs with some freak nasty, drop it like it's hot music. Usually creeper dudes hanging around waiting to go in for the kill. Maybe a rando drunk girl pukin girl puking in the bathroom. You know, the usual. I just go to DANCE!
This place took me back to this old dance party we used to go to in high school that was in like an Eagle's Club. They would push the pool tables aside and we'd get down. We were in high school, so we just wanted to DANCE! And dance we did! It was just innocent dancing (well, kinda semi grinding)! That's exactly what this place was! No creepers tryin to get in these panties,
Could I do without the smoke, plus the disgusto smell you bring back with you later that night, yes! Were the couches maybe a tad questionable to sit on, yes! But belly up to the bar I did for $2.50 Yuenglings and $5 Tequila shots!! Believe me, I'll totally be back for 90's night, plus 80's night and any other dance party themed nights they have! Next time maybe I'll even bring out the snap bracelets!
It's really just good ole fashion fun times, with some innocent bumpin and grindin!