Air Canada is probably an OK airline. They probably get you where advertised on the day the ticket asvertises....most of the time. I doubt running an airline is easy. Today, my flight was delayed for 3 hours, then canceled without notice or announcement. No agent came to the gate to let us know, the flight just disappeared from the screen at the terminal in Montreal. We(all) passengers walked to find a a customer service desk, we found one eventually. No more flights out today. Only passengers with connecting flights were offered rooms for the night. It was made clear by the cusromer service rep that Airlines are only legaly obligated to provide you with a hotel if you had a connecting flight. Well, I guess that's the law. That's Ok to me, no skin off my back I'm on business. What about all the customers who arent business, guess they forked out Hotel money or slept on the floor, spent time one the phone with Air Canada getting a flight out some other day.....
Air Canada, you should have had a representative at the gate. No notice of a canceled flight is really awful business. The rest, shucks I guess is forgivable.