| - Total Wine and More is a liquor mecca. All kinds of obscurities and mainstays under one roof, it's beautiful. The best part is, the prices are great too. I can get a 750ml bottle of Johnny Walker Black label for $19 sometimes, that's about half as most other places.
Twelve packs of beer (good stuff, like Dundee honey brew and Moosehead Lager) for ten bucks. Tequila, and I mean good tequila, for about $20 a bottle. Kegs, boxes of premixed martinis, oh, and wine. My wife and I bought all the wine for our wedding here, they even give you a discount if you buy by the case.
I never walk out of there for less than $100, and that's only because I find so much good stuff. I always try to grab something new and interesting when I walk through the aisles. I am sometimes caught by sample stations giving our samples of wine or beer and it's so good (and priced well) that I typically grab some of that too.
My latest discovery is TY-KU, an Asian spirit which tastes something like Sake, Melon liqueur, and Green Tea. It's only $20 for a large bottle and the bottle has a very pretty light in the bottom that illuminates the green deliciousness when it sits on your shelf. It's fantastic over ice.
I've been going here for two years now and there are only TWO things EVER that I have asked for and was not there, hard root beer, and mexican bottled coca cola. That's it. And I've asked for some pretty obscure that ain't bad at all. They have a really nice Cigar selection too if you're into that kind of thing.
Anyway, enough of my rambling. If you're a drinker (drink responsibly) and take a trip over here, you'll be glad you did. Oh, but the sign on the front is misspelled. It should read "Total WIN".