I have to give this place a solid three stars! The service here is always hit or miss and I am a huge fan of shipping places that offer consistent great customer service to its shoppers! Yes they remodeled but so what? Does that excuse the fact that these lines are always a mess and they seem to always have 1 manager that is doing over rides or whatever the case may be. I think that they need to improve on the process of Returns/Exchanges.. Why on earth are the returns and exchanges transactions being co mingled with the regular purchases of other customers? I was told that the layaway like needs to stay open for customers that are only doing layaway? Does that make sense to sit and have the customers who are exchanging wait in a line while you have an available associate that's just standing there with nothing to do but hope that a layaway customer comes to their window? Hmm not so much.. Other than that for men's dress clothes they somewhat have a decent selection!