I bought a desk, chair and lamp set here about 8 weeks ago. Everything came and was installed fine except the lamp. still waiting on the lamp.
I've called 3 times to date, the first time he said he would look into and call me back but never did. The second time about 2 weeks later, they got an update and said it would be here by Sept. 16. When I still didn't have it today, September 21, I called and was told the regional shipping manager is looking into why it didn't arrive.
At least they guy was nice enough to offer me the possibility to come in and pick a replacement lamp. He thinks they would be able to do that...
I just want the lamp that I paid for, or the very least someone to contact me about it rather than the other way around.
UPDATE: The manager Erik called me to apologize for the lamp delay, welcomed me to come in and pick any replacement and a $100 gift card for the inconvenience. I'm happy to upgrade my review when a business does the right thing, because I truly love the office furniture that did come on time.