I purchased on Groupon a Cleaning fron
" Be Green Carpet Cleaning " The Owner is one if the rudest, unprofessional And Liar I have dealt with in a long time. I needed to reschedule a Cleaning, he got angry and his tone was so rude and nasty! He told me he would not " Charge me a cancellation fee per his rights on my groupon purchase. That was an out right lie. No rule or policy stating a charge... I was EXECTED to take Care of his Tech better then I would have normally, to avoid charge. I said ok just to get the service scheduled.
I tip based on service quality and professionalism.Not on a Threat or blackmale!
His info to me about the type of cleaning was incorrect. I would never reccommend this company based on both quality of product used to clean and more so based on how customers are treated and those who work for them.
On a side note the Private contractor, not a direct empoyee was absolutely awesome and I thank you !
I did try to tip him as he was professional. Truthful about the work he was about to do and did a great job considering the type of product and cleaning process. He kindly refused. Kudos Zach. I hope you open your own bussiness!!!