| - Am I terrible at barre? Yes
Do I continue to to go despite being terrible? Yes
Why do I keep putting myself through this torture? -Let me try to explain why:
I am terrible at barre because it forces me to use the muscles that I don't use with my typical cardio-intensive workout regimen. During a barre class I have to focus on my core (which is miserably week) and the other stabilizing muscles in my hips, lowerback, and inner thighs. I go to barre because I need it, even though I'm pretty miserable for most of the class.
I prefer Xtend Barre to the other studios I've visited because the instructors are patient, the other class participants are welcoming and unpretentious, and you get one hell of a great workout.
The facility is convenient to Uptown, Dilworth, Chantilly, Cherry, Elizabeth, Midwood, and South End. The studio has ample parking and is very clean. I also like that the studio is located in the Metropolitan, so you can sneak over to Cherry Berry for some fro-yo, go window shopping at West Elm, pick up groceries at Trader Joe's, or make a pilgrimage to Target before and after taking a class.
I feel stronger after each class, and feel like I'm starting to learn the terminology. I return to Xtend Barre because I am starting to notice changes in the toning of my core and arm muscles and I've noticed a marked difference in my balance in yoga classes.
If you've tried other barre classes and felt out of place, under dressed, or like you were the only non-professional ballerina in the group, try Xtend Barre -their classes are good for people of all sizes, shapes, and ability levels!