I was thrilled to finally find a yelp review with 4 stars and only one dollar sign on Yelp in the South Hills. Moving from LA recently where for some reason EVERYTHING is more expensive... except nail salons! Now, I am by no means, a spa rat but I do like to pamper the toes every now and again. So one afternoon when I had some spare time, I gave them a try. I was totally underwhelmed. From nail polish in the front with dust on it (how long have they been there?) To sitting in a spa chair with ripped upholstery I felt neither pampered nor impressed. I MIGHT have looked beyond such things because of the affordable price till I got home and realized that my nails hadn't been cut short as I had very clearly asked nor had she taking care of an ingrown toenail. A week later I had to cut my own toes and ruin my all right looking pedicure. This place doesn't feel clean or inviting. The decor was junkie and old and cluttered. I will say that everyone was very friendly and they did take me right away when I walked in. I was really pulling for you, Future Nails. But sadly, I don't see you at all in my future. 1.5 Stars