| - Today I tried the left over Toblerone Cheese pie cake my folks got for my mom's bday yesterday. That was a flat zero for me, and I took the average of my ratings, since the other times their cakes have been usually a decent 4 star, with only their Boston Cream Pie cake being my top fave, at a solid 5 star rating for me.
This Toblerone Cheese was awful to me.
The cake on the bottom was actually very nice, but the flavor and aftertaste of the thick icing ontop ruined it so much for me, that I gave my piece away, and I'm usually very forgiving.
It had a very odd flavor to it, which was unedible to me. Almost sour or bitter. I'm not sure if it just doesn't keep in the freezer. It was only inside overnight, and I had let it sit on the counter for 15 min before it became soft enough to eat. Perhaps it is only meant to be eaten right away? Or perhaps it was not freshly made when they bought it. However, it was 35$, which is their most expensive cake, as well as new to their menu suposably. Very disapointing.
We've preserved many of their other pie cakes this same way, and they never went bad like this, which is why I'm hesitant to believe that it was our storage method that changed the flavor, and feel that it was actually originally made this way.
Their oreo pie cake has been safely decent in the past. But none of all the cakes I've tried here over the years have been equal or surpased their Boston Cream. It wasn't overly sweet or dry. Very well balanced, and quite addictive for me. However, the only time I eat these pies is when I'm sharring it with a group, and everytime we look to choose a cake, I have always found it impossible to convince anyone to agree as a group to select the Boston Cream.
These are people who have never tried it before, and just by looking at the pie, they never find it tempting. I believe that it's because it lacks having an appealing decor, sadly. It's very plain compared to the others. Of course, that's what a bostom cream theme is supose to look like, but I'd like for Rockaberry's to add as much of a special flair to it as they do to their other decorated pies, in order to make it more appealing to the eye. Give it justice.
Their website is very unapealing.
They just write a list of all their pies, no pictures of each or even a description. Lazy business. I hope they don't slack off on the food itself, and it's just their honest skills that need a boost.