An alright little place. Lots of college students and university staff can be found here (ASU). The staff are above average and have never been an issue seeing as they really just take your order at the register and then bring your food out, so there isnt really much to mess up. Its the food. If you cant eat pork, prepare to be disappointed, they have 1 dish, literally 1 dish that ISNT made with pork broth. Its really disheartening, but I didnt dock points for that because whatever im just one person and thats my specific need. I did however dock points because even with the 1 dish that I had, it was extremely...bland. Now the only things with flavor were the added ingredients, but even then I felt like the egg had just the flavor beat out of it along with anything else in the bowl. Its not horrible exactly but it definitely leaves something to be desired. I constantly order the 2/4 piece shrimp tempura and the edamame sides and BOTH of them TASTE LIKE THE RAMEN, in that they dont really taste like much at all!
I mean fuckin' hell how do you remove flavor from shrimp? Why does edamame taste like literally nothing? This place is really a mystery to me. I go there sometimes when I happen to be driving by, but lets just say that I never leave my house with the intent of going to Republic Ramen.