| - I had a 1994 Mitsubishi Mighty Max pick-up truck. I LOVED this truck, I've had it since college. It has taken me from NYC to L.A. and back. I had over 150,000 miles on it and by the time my baby started to break down I looked for a place I could trust to take care of it. The first thing I needed was my breaks done, once I had them replaced I noticed everything else started to break down almost all at the same time. The started wouldn't turn over (I needed a new started), my clutch chain broke, the water pump broke, which by the way he told me was replaced with a brand new water pump but their own mechanic who worked on my truck said that it was a refurbished one. And lastly (apparently) my block was cracked and I didn't know it. They wanted to charge me over $2,000 to replace the blcok. Their own tow guy recommended a different garage to take it to which was on the other side of the city to see what they could do. After taking it there and spending only $250 to repair the engine my truck hasn't had ANY problems.
It just seemed like EVERY single time I took it in for each seperate issue it cost me close to if not over $1,000. They took me for over $5,000 for a truck that wasn't worth $2,000. Unfortunately I was too trusting thinking a credited corporate garage wouldn't take advantage of their clients and treat them with honesty & integrity. NOT, and that it a huge NOT!
It's too bad that certain mechanics (or managers of garages) like to take advantage of people and think it's okay because it's business.