Should have known better when I walked in and saw the seats of a booth all taped up with duct tape. Upon looking around, I noticed half the tables were dirty and the garbage cans full. We ordered our meals and when I went to pay, the cashier didn't have enough money in her till to give me all my change. She said she would get it to me later. I then went to get myself some sweet tea from the container that said "sweet" on it and it wasn't. When I went to ask about the tea, the cashier had to short change another customer. I finally told her to get the manager because no one should be "owed* change. I was told she was busy bagging food. I asked how many people had to wait for money before she wasn't busy any more. Eventually, the manager came over with change. I asked her about the sweet tea and was told that they had run out of sugar and put the tea in the wrong container. While we ate, I witnessed then screw up three orders including mine. Will not return.