We decided to give this one a go! It was so hard making a room choice! We decided on machinist based on some people's yelp reviews but of course the only thing I could read was we liked it....I leaned toward it thinking it would have a lot of tech things in there...I have been in rooms that have a lot of tech stuff and they are really cool! The room was cool....not what I envisioned. I don't want to give it away.
I will say that this room is a linear room. So you really solve clues in a specific order. You go from one to the next. I'm glad I didn't bring my younger kids, that wouldn't go well with them. This visit I brought one teen and a boyfriend. It was a good amount of people. I honestly feel any more than that that and the room would have been too crowded and there would have been more bickering.
They have a mobile device at this place and if you need a clue you scan a qr code and you read the clue. The timer is also on this device. Well we scanned for our free hint...you can use one if you check in here and not get a time penalty...the hint is so unbelievably long to read and the font is so unbelievably tiny. I feel like you need a magnifying glass to read it. It's extremely wordy.
The game master that gives you the rundown of the game...took way too long. I get that she is very into the game or whatever, but it took her a loooong time to get the game set up with her speech.
All in all, it was a great time. We had a lot of fun. The staff was all very nice. We won't choose a linear room again. But we would definitely come back and try another room.