I wasn't aware that this store closes at 8pm on certain days. People waiting to pay for their items in line holding items in their arms got turned away at 8 pm. This was not the worst part, 98% of the employees were so rude. 20 minutes to eight an employee kept tapping her watch at me with an angry face because she thought I did not speak English. Another employee, when I paid for an item in another department and trying to pay, the machine asked if I wanted to put my email for a discount, the lady was so impatient, she reached out her arm and pushed "No" for me and smiled. Another lady waited for me outside the fitting room. Not sure what that was about. It seemed that she thought I was stealing. When I asked another employee why the store closed so early, she replied, " complain all you want, nothing will get done by corporate because this was a financial decision." Good financial decision to turn away clients and treat them so poorly.