| - This is a place that I would go to every day before or after dance class so I'm very well acquainted with how they used to be versus now.
Nearly a year later and the girl who waited on me had such a poor attitude. She threw things into the bowl, gave me half scoops of fish (the scoops aren't that big to begin with), and over-drenched the salad with a ton of sauce (it's literally all I can taste right now). Normally a healthy salad, what I got today was a sad, anemic offering.
As I'm sitting, writing this, men and boys are getting a warmer reception and smiles. That makes me sad because I'm über friendly and go out of my way to let people know I appreciate them.
Anyways, for 10$, I think your money would be better spent elsewhere if you are looking for something healthy, satisfying, not drowning in sauce, and a friendly atmosphere (although, apparently if you're of the male persuasion, that won't be a problem for you).