If you haven't been here in awhile, for whatever reason, then you owe it to yourself to come back!!! They've done a great job making a few simple changes, and you owe it to yourself to come check 'em out again. The signs are now much more user-friendly and the products are all clearly-labelled and well-organized. The biggest change has been the addition of the organic section- it's HUGE and there are things in it that you just won't find anywhere else. Not only do they have a large organic selection, it's a large *international* organic selection. Check it out- you'll definitely find a lot of cool stuff that will have you saying "Oh wow, check this out!!!".
Their produce section has been cleaned up quite a bit, as has their seafood department. I just bought a whole cake and several slices from the bakery, and everything was beautiful as well as delicious!!!
I've been coming here for years, and for awhile it seemed like it was heading a bit downhill. However, they've done a *GREAT* job beautifying the place, so go check 'em out and find something new to love!!!
Try the longans- they're great!!!