My feet were so dry I needed help. The girlfriend pleaded with me to go get some footwork done and I finally gave in. What a nice experience! Now for all you guys, it isnt as girly as you would expect. I had a nice glass of wine (I know but there was no whiskey) and they went to work on my feet. Would be great if you could have cigars in here too! Anyhow, they clipped my nails and used what looked like a cheese grater to remove all of the dead skin from the bottoms of my feet. A task which I deemed totally impossible but they accomplished in mere minutes. As I watched ET on TV sipped wine my feet were brought back to a smooth as silk status.
I would recommend for any guys who need some assistance in getting your feet up to decent looking status for summer. I probably wont make it a regular thing but I am sure to do it a few more times this summer. I think $50 or so for the whole deal. Well, not exactly as the girlfriend saw this as an opportunity to get a full 10 digit gel package. However was nice.