Brick Burger! As in, the thick slab of soon-to-be melted gooey-ness cut straight from a "Brick of Wisconsin" Cheese! "If I new nothing else about you at all, that would be enough"-A Knight's Tale!
But let's get down to why we are here... gastronomic bucket list... also known as, Chowdown Countdown. Watch the YouTube video! Who throws ice on the grill? Oh yeah... anyone who knows how to "steam-fry" (is that a word) a moist delicious burger, that makes people travel from all over the country to this non-credit card taking dive bar!
If you really want to get in good... you can sit at the bar and talk football! Although the Packers are obvious, a lot of good Cleveland football was discussed in this bar as well!
Let me tell you something... Burger, Cheese, Salt & Pepper-... everyone else is just covering up their own inadequacies!
5 STARS!Pickle on the side