I have pretty much been to every yoga studio in the valley and in terms of instructors, LifePower was my favorite! I have recently moved away and miss them dearly! Yoga is all about finding instructors that you connect with and my personal favorites are the following:
-Julie B. She is like mama hen. I went to her classes every Wednesday at 4:15. You go to her class knowing what to expect as her variations aren't too different from week to week. Her playlist is light and soulful and you have a smile on your face. For shavasana, she lights candles and makes sure to come to each of her students and press down on their shoulders at the end. Her class is always good for the heart and soul.
-Anton M. His classes are always fun, different, and upbeat. He is a big fan of goddess pose :) If you are like me, you will hear the song on the radio that he has been doing his goddess pose to and have a flashback to class. Anton is amazing at helping you with adjustments and guiding you through how to do different poses. I love going to his evening classes because he always starts them off by reading something unique or insightful.
-John S. His classes are always challenging and unique. He guides you out of your comfort zone. He is really great at helping with alignment and being hands on with his students during the practice.
All these instructors have deepened my practice in different ways!