| - Top notch detox or place for those who have a significant mental health issues.
I've been around a country block when it comes to places like this, ranging from the absolute worst ("no beds 'till tomorrow so just stick it out. We'll call 911 if you have a seizure while waiting") to above average to the best. Copper Springs was my best experience.
I received appropriate meds to help with my major depression/anxiety issues and detoxed from alcohol with a very professional staff. The staff were almost excessively cautious, to a point where I requested they stop waking me up in the middle of the night to check my vitals.
I was only boozed for two days, and I've learned to come to these places with the expectation of a long wait without triage or medical support. I actually recommend this (going in fucked up if your DOC is the drink), as I did have to wait about 5 hours to get in.
After admission, paperwork, blood work, etc., I was medicated and given a quick walk through of the place. Each morning I would wake up with a sheet of paper outlining the day's activities. Expect to be busy after your detox is manageable. Examples: wake up, "Outdoor Time (smoke break)," goal setting, counseling, doctor appointments, med management with an actual psychiatrist board-certified as an addictionologist. And the food... which was buffet-style, leaving you with plenty of healthy and unhealthy but tasty choices.
If you've been to a place like this before, expect a humane and safe environment. If this is your first go through detox/crisis medical issues, you may be apt to whine about some things, such as the beds that are stiffer than Trump's wingwang at a beauty pageant, or the complimentary deodorant roller that rips hair out of your pits.
If you're serious about getting well, you may well find yourself leaving with a hopeful aftercare plan and a lucid mind.
Good luck fellow addicts/drunks/mentally disturbed people.