Thrift stores are great lessons about delayed/instant gratification. You have to search and wait for things you want. Then there are days that you walk past and a-ha! you realize you needed something after all, like the flashlight for 60 cents or the soap dish for 40 cents. St. Vinny's compared to Savers and Goodwill, is cheaper on housewares, 25 cents for mugs and 60 cents for bowls--albeit not them fancy, scalloped china plates. Furniture is iffy, but there are some gems at times. I found a beautiful antique secretary's desk for $40 last summer. Staff are friendly and there's one that does math in her head when she checks you out. Smart too!
Love this place for its proximity. I go weekly and have a madness to how to go about the place. I can't wait to get a senior discount!