This place is like heaven for me. I WISH WE HAD ONE IN HAWAII!!!
While visiting family for the holidays, I made a few trips to Trader Joe's and even loaded up my suitcase with chocolate treats and other yummy little snacks to take home to friends. If you need little hostess gifts, this is a fantastic place to go!
Trader Joe's has an amazing frozen food selection, wonderful wine and beer options, tons of organic produce and ready-made meals and a really lovely selection of fresh flowers and plants. I can't get over the prices - they are so reasonable and especially coming from Hawaii where a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread will set you back $12, I felt like going on an absolute shopping spree here...everything was so cheap! And the quality is top notch, so you really can't go wrong.
One of my favorite things about shopping at Trader Joe's though, is the incredible staff -- they can always be counted on for friendly assistance.
Trader Joe's is almost enough to make me leave this sunny little paradise on a rock and move back to the mainland. Almost...