Can't believe no one has reviewed this location yet. Winners in Lawrence Plaza is the original location for the company (although originally on the other side of plaza where Shoppers is now). Many moons ago Winners was quite the store, was like walking into a small Saks, They used to have a coloured dot system on the tags and the longer something was there the cheaper it got and you would play the should I wait game. But those days are gone and since it was taken over by TJ Maxxs it (and the rest of the stores) has the charm of a Walmart. Pricing is also far higher then in their American stores, which seems odd as it is the same company and there is free trade. But Canadians seem to be dumb enough to keep paying more for stuff then our cousins south of the boarder. Being the first you would think it would be something special but in all honesty I find selection better in other locations (Yonge & College). Also I think over expansion has hurt them over all as product is spit up between locations as well as Home Sense and now Marshells. In all honesty who buys a single wine glass or 3 dessert plates? Also Winners engages in a sneaky practice of splitting up sets and selling things as pieces and you end up paying more then you would for the set. This is stupid cause any knowledgeable shopper can price check online and the advertised "Up to 60% off" is rarer and rarer. The store is in disarray with clothes scattered and on floor and there is so much stuff crammed in you can barely get the cart trough some of the aisles. Over all Winners in general is a miss and you are often better scanning the flyers for sales elsewhere. Pity