I was so excited when I found out there was going to be designer churro, oops xooro shop opening in the 'hood. I visited the site and they sounded so good.
Before I went to dinner I already decided to make room for dessert. It was a early dinner and my hubby and I finished by 5:30 PM and was at Xooro by 5:40. The shop was empty and I chalked that up to too early for dessert for most and the movie theater probably had not let out yet. I could see the case was full of churros that were completely coated with chocolate and/or glazes. They had descriptive names. They looked very rich and decadent. I decided on the version called Jonathan's Favorite which was filled with Nutella, coated with white chocolate and drizzled with dark chocolate. The server slid the xooro/churro into a very cool pillow box. I paid just under $5. Wow, a bit expensive I thought. I could barely wait to get home and take a bite out of that.
I placed the churro on my plate and my napkin on my lap. I took my first bite on one end and ewww. First, the intense sugar hit my tongue, then the hardness of the deep fried pastry almost broke my teeth and then as I went to spit it out the roof of my mouth was coated with a layer of solidified oil. I gave it a second chance by cutting it in half and taking a bite out of the middle. Second chance, shame on me. No third chance. My husband said I my look was similar to when the dogs have peanut butter on the roof of their mouths only that would be a happy experience. I don't claim to be a churro expert but I have enjoyed my share on Olvera Street in Los Angeles, several trips to Ensenada, Costco and even county fairs. This churro was one of the worst churros/ desserts I have tasted.
I don't think I'll be giving them another opportunity for the price. I wish them luck on keeping their doors opened. One would think you would want to impress the crowds early on. Tsk, tsk.