| - This placed is now closed or changed ownership. I would NOT recommend laser hair removal to anyone. Both my friend and I went here, and NEITHER of us are satisfied with the results. We are both still growing hair, and it reached a level of excruciating pain. Let me paint the picture for you. I am laying down on hospital bed, my arms are stretched over my head and my white bare knuckles and fingertips are clinching on the cushion, as I scream and have tears dripping down my cheek. They try to say that it feels "like a rubber band is flicking at it," but what they fail to say is that the rubber band is stretched across the street and around the block. Needless to say, I shelved out a lot of money for my upper lip, brazilian and legs, and all of which are still growing hair. LASER HAIR IS A HOAX...
Not to mention, this place went bankrupt (no surprise... their business model was not successful). Upon bankruptcy, they said that they could no longer continue my treatment because I had already gone for 9-10 treatments, and they were no longer guaranteeing any of the services. They say that it typically takes 8 treatments to get hair-free results - NEGATIVE. This place just takes your money and leaves you unsatisfied. The new place that moved in won't honor any of their existing clients, so they get to start fresh with a new set of charitable suckers (because this is basically a business that just takes your money in exchange for nothing)