I use to enjoy checking out this store for more business casual clothes but after my recent experience with a very rude staff member I have totally gone off this store. I had come in with a bag of items to sell ( well aware that they would be picky as they do only like the best and very minimally worn styles) However as soon as I walked in the lady took one look at my large basket of items and simply said " no hunny we wont be accepting any of those", and pretty much waved me out of the store. I was shocked as my basket consisted of Jcrew, Madewell, Express, some coach purses, and other designer brands. As she barely could even see the top item of my basket, I am still very confused and offended I was dismissed so quickly. Sadly, I know this is only one employee and the others could be nothing like this, but it has now just put such a sore taste in my mouth for this store.