My first impression of this office was a good one. Since that first appointment though, I've been incredibly disappointed in New Horizon's customer service. I stopped going to New Horizons and started going to iWomen's Healthcare across the street:
My complaints can go on for days but I'll keep it short for you guys:
1. At my first ever ultrasound (I'm a first-time mommy) the tech was rushed because they made the appt. right before she was supposed to clock out. It was very obvious to me as an excited new mommy that this tech could care less about me and my first ultrasound. It was rushed, she didn't care about my experience and hustled me over to the patient's room when it was over. Not a great way to experience seeing my baby for the first time.
2. I had a second ultrasound scheduled on a later date at 10. They ask you to keep your bladder full for the appointment. I show up 15 min. early to check in and am told they accidentally scheduled 2 10am ultrasounds and that I would have to wait until 10:45. This screws me over in a few different way: I'm now going to be late for work and I have to go pee and then drink a ton of water again or hold it which is impossible when you're pregnant.
3. They collected a co-payment of 25.00 when they didn't have to and didn't inform me of their mistake. I had to call in after my appointment to get my account credited.
Even after all of this, I never came back to Yelp to downgrade my 5-star review. But I got a call yesterday from Dori that made me lose it. This brings me to...
4. I had an exam done for a possible lump in my breast in April. I was told by the lab who conducted the exam that New Horizon's would contact me with the results within one week. Guess what? THEY NEVER DID. I called them several times trying to contact Dori after my appointment and never got a hold of her. Finally, I stopped by the office on a work break and made the receptionist give me my results right then and there. Not cool. Then to top it off, Dori barely called me yesterday, 8/21/13 to tell me my results. I asked her why it took her 4 months to get back to me and she said they were back-logged. This is the lamest, most ridiculous experience I have ever had with any type of doctor ever. Who calls a patient 4 months later with lab results? A company who doesn't deserve to be in business.