Well, I never knew or expected nor anticipated folks felt so strongly opposed to Hobby Lobby.
Honey, I love it. Not only do I feel at home..I appreciate places that are closed on Sunday. Nope~ not just for Jesus but as a small business owner (former) Sundays are a day to recoup/enjoy the family/run errands. And for employees - it's a hassle free day off that won't count towards requested days off for whatever personal time is needed.
Here's what I appreciate about HobbyLobby:
3) The clearance & the FABRIC selection, equally.
* Disclaimer: I cannot sew, but I will staple and hot glue anything to get the look.
Hobby Lobby makes me
1) Some items are "Sin Cere" as in the original Greek and Roman meaning. I picked up a Fluer de Lis anticipating it to be heavy based on the look of the object but nope~ just as hollow and light as ever. Then picked up something else never anticipating it to be heavy....BAM...could knock out an intruder.
2) The pillow selection has to come back. We purposefully went so my sorority sister could get pillows that matched mine and nothing.
To their credit, they are rearranging the foot print of the store.
As for service, we only needed help once and the two (2) people that were asked did answer our question but the girl was more confused than I'd expect.
For those that feel like religion should stay out of business; I can respect that. Alternatively, I know what it feels like to be in a place that seems devoid of God or even faith and it's nice to go someplace where I can not only feel akin but get what I need when I need it without having to shop online.
Think about it: if you spoke a language and no one else around you spoke that language as soon as you meet someone that is a native speaker (or at least fluent) you'll never shut up. The joy in sharing a like mind/customs/habits or traditions warms my heart. I never felt the craft shop, Hobby Lobby, forcing anything on anyone - they simply offer their brand strategy to their target market.
It's amazing how folks don't think about things until it's gone or when they become the minority and I'm not being preachy - trust me - I'm not. Just think about it: that's human nature. Human Nature to notice things when you're the minority. Or Miss something when it's gone.