| - I've never been the the L'Academie at St-Denis, so I cannot compare. I will assume the quality is comparable. I went to L'acadmie hearing not so great reviews, however I am one to never trust the opinions of the masses(we'll only on Yelp :P).
Food Quality/Price - 2.5/5
Firstly, I want to mention that this is a BYOW (bring your wine). I adore this concept, mainly because I detest paying the premium when ordering wine at a restaurant. However, this is how many restaurants make the lion's share of their revenues.
That being said majority of BYOW restaurants are usually sub-par in the food quality because they cut corners to beef up profit margins. Unfortunately, L'acadamie is no exception, they food is "palatable", yet the prices are fair. Its saving grace is that it is a BYOW.
Ambiance/Service - 4/5
The ambiance and service are great. The food was served in a timely manner and the wait staff was courteous. Also, I loved the novel idea of actually showing patrons the desert before they order directly at their table. The ambiance was appropriate for a mid tier crescent street "hot spot" and as decorations were not too garish making for a decent dining experience.
Overall - B-
I would go back to L'acadamie, solely because its BYOW. The take home message of this review is that if your looking for great food look elsewhere. However, if your looking for a good time and place you can bring your own wine(or beer), L'acadamie will fit the bill.