| - It often seems like there are more Food Lion stores in the Charlotte area than there are churches - and there are a ton of churches to be found here. I once had an apartment, where if you turned left you'd run into one Food Lion and if you turned right, you'd run into another (they since closed one, but the other is still there).
Anyway, the point being, you can't go far in Charlotte without finding a Food Lion, so it's no surprise that when we need to get something urgently, we usually go to Food Lion (our regular grocery is, of course, Aldi, mentioned earlier). Food Lion is actually a lot easier to get to - it's just a lot more expensive in comparison. Not Harris Teeter expensive or anything, but pricier than Aldi.
Considering that we live on the East Side, this Food Lion is really a pretty decent store, well lit and everything - the only downside is that after dark, they close one of the entry doors. I guess that they think it helps keep them from getting robbed or something. You can still use it and all - they just post a sign so that stupid thieves won't think they can do so.