This is by far more then just a "Sushi Place." The quality of service and food here is outstanding. I would give this place a standing ovation if it was a band. The tasting menu the server recommended to my wife and I was life changing. It was a meal of meals. The culinary experience was well worth the 200 dollar ticket. I loved almost everything about this place. My only concern was the rowdy crowd of drunk fools having a great time at the table directly in front of us. That was just apart of my luck though, nothing to do with the restaurant. I wish I could afford to eat here once a week for the rest of my life. It is a meal that can improve the quality of life one lives.
First we had some drinks from south of the border which helped wet our appetite. Then we had an appetizer of what seemed to be beef dumplings and ceviche tacos. Next was a beef coarse of filet minion, which changed my life. Last was the sushi. I couldn't even describe the delicate flavors inscribed in each piece of sushi. I trusted the server with my meal and he did not disappoint. We ended dinner with a beautiful and sweet dessert plate of ice cream and chocolates. Trust your server. The tasting menu between 150-200 dollars is the Key.