I first went to Lola and had my eyelash extensions done for my honeymoon. The girl who did them had just moved from Australia (not sure of her name) she did a good job and they lasted quite well through my vacation.
When I came back I had them filled and the tech at that time (different person) told me that they were in quite good shape and not in need of a fill, but I did it anyways.
About 2 weeks later my right eye had nearly no eyelashes left. My left eye still had a good amount.
By time time I needed a "Fill" my right eye had literally 2 eyelashes left on and looked ridiculous.
I took good care of them and followed everything they said (short of wearing googles in the shower) I see no reason why there was such an inconstancy in the longevity of them.
I found somewhere else on Yelp that I am WAY happier with. I will not be returning to Lola.