The only reason I go there is for feeders, nothing else. I wouldn't recommend them on their EXTREME OVERPRICING alone... seriously over priced. But the main reason I couldn't EVER recommend them is strictly on fact for the poor conditions that the animals are kept in. What I mean by that is that they are in extremely small enclosures for their species and size. These animals are treated like ones at the zoo, no room to get away from onlookers which animals like the chameleon need, much less the 11 foot python or monitors to stretch out. It seems that the owner is a collecting hoarder that doesn't have enough room... one thing I can say, their staff is always friendly and willing to help. The female in particular, informative, kind and carries good conversation. In purchasing a pet? I'll make the drive to Arizona Reptile Center for beautifully displayed, well kept, fairly priced pet.