Okay let me explain why not two more stars. I guess living out here in Vegas has really spoiled me with the All You Can Eat deals. And I've been to so many Korean BBQ spots that stuff me with their AYCE. So, I guess I was expecting something to bust my buttons here at Swish. Don't get me wrong.. This place is good and different. Their service is really friendly and the atmosphere is pretty chill. The other reason for not having one more star was that my hunger wasn't really satisfied.
The food was tasty tho with the choices of Shabu-Shabu or Sukiyaki. They bring out your plate of meat and a plate of sides. I even like the different set up of how everyone is facing eachother in this huge U-shaped table and the servers come through the middle. It's pretty good if you like cooking your own stuff. I wouldn't recomend coming here to stuff your belly, but maybe for a good light meal to end the night.