| - I may just be one of the biggest fans of Cost Plus that there ever was. My house is filled with their furniture, kitchen supplies, jewelry, and more. And every time I need a unique gift, this is where I come!
Today I popped in to this store to put together a local wine basket for a silent auction and of course, they had ALL OF THE THINGS that I needed! In fact, the basket that I was using was pretty large and they even had a JUMBO basket bag that it fit inside!! I was so happy because that was one less errand that I had to do today. I filled the basket with 3 bottles of local wine, gorgeous wine glasses, an aerator, a preserver, wine pen, wine charms, cute napkins, nuts, and more. I hope that the charity makes some great money on it! Any little bit helps, right?
The best part, they let me put the basket together right then and there and even helped me arrange it! Thank you for always making my life SO dang easy, World Market! And thank you to this lovely store for having incredible customer service. I'll be back!