I'm not giving this place 2 stars because I hate the Cubs. Seriously, I'm not. I'm not writing this as a Cardinals fan either (St Louis Cardinals, who cares abut the AZ Cardinals).
But let's talk about stupidity.
Stupidity is their parking situation. Stupidity was the Opening Day disaster for this new park. You people better fix this parking situation. Um, have some attendants directing traffic maybe? Perhaps close off some lanes for local traffic so they aren't competing? Granted I only drove here on Opening Day because I had to teach a class and didn't have time to ride my bike. however my friends I met there who got there way earlier said it was a disaster abut an hour before I got there. I left my car on a side street and walked to the stadium so I wouldn't miss the beginning of the game. The traffic was comparable to the disaster that was the traffic in the 'snowstorm' in the South earlier this year. Horrific and STUPID. And then to charge $7 to park? Really? seriously?
Apparently there was no tailgating either. Say what? I wouldn't know. I was sitting in traffic for 20 minutes waiting to get off the exit and then abandoned my car near Tempe Marketplace and walked a mile.. so again I wouldn't know.
The stadium itself is much much improved over Hohokum. I love the underground bar, the covered party deck, and the touches of Chicago throughout. I do think the lawn is entirely too steep though.
Beer prices? Sweet Lord. For a sucky baseball team you should charge less for the poor fans to drink their sorrows away. ;) (had to do it)
Yes, I'll be at this ballpark a lot because I have a lot of friends here who are Cubs fans and many visitors coming as well. But I refuse to drive to it and I'll happily ride my bike and meet my people there before I'll deal with that god awful parking.