Thee BEST cannoli's youre gonna find in this state!! I love that theyre crunchy when you bite into them, not like some of the others ive found varying from places like a grocery store bakery and even a fancy itialian restaurant where the shell is soggy, ughh. Belfiore also has mini sized cannoli's that are about half the size of a regular cannoli and are great for portion control lol! Ive seen them here in a variety such as white chocolate dipped shells, milk chocolate dipped shells and the traditional powder sugar dusted,, with that perfectly blended filling.. theyre ALL delicious! Its also a family owned mom and pop joint which I am always in favor of supporting. Ive had just about every bakery item they sell and nothing has ever disappointed. From the pignolis to the rainbow cookies to the lobster tails, your sweet tooth will be pleased everytime!