Dish is by far the worst cable service I've ever had. We had 3 receivers total and my uncle came to live with us so now we have 4. Not only were we thrown into another 2 YEAR CONTRACT but now, we can only use three at a time with FOUR RECEIVERS! I was watching a movie and my uncle keeps changing my channel so now im not able to even rewind the freaking channel and it's rude! Im pissed off so I call dish and they tell me, we can send you a different master receiver so you can use 6 different receivers at a time... BUT im thrown into another 2 year freaking contract! Lol the hell with dish. Since im moving, im just going to break my contract, pay the stupid 100 dollars and never get back in another contract again. I just find it so funny that I have four receivers but can only use 3 smh. Dish aint nothing but some pimps lmao. I refuse to be pimped out by dish any longer so im done.