| - How have I lived in the Madison area for nearly 11 years and never been here before!!? Some friends suggested we stop in after dinner the other night and I was not disappointed! The place is very small, dark and VERY 70's but in an awesome kitsch-y way. There are tigers EVERYWHERE- pictures, figurines, stuffed tigers, tiger print on the walls, etc. Beer options were limited, but come on, you are not going there for the beer selection, you're going for the atmosphere. I would also like to point out that we'd been out to dinner earlier and were seated next to a table full of hipsters (easily identified by their handlebar mustaches and ironic t-shirts). As we sat at LeTigre happily sipping our drinks, in walked the same herd of hipsters! I resisted the urge to turn up my nose and declare that WE were going to LeTigre LONG before (like a whole 15 min) it was popular but now it's just so MAINSTREAM. But, they seemed decent and I got distracted by the giant stuffed tiger on our table anyway, so it was all good. Will we be back? Obviously.