| - I used to go here daily because it was just a quick run from my high school.
I've got to say, everything was decently priced. I was very satisfied with paying less than $10 daily for a fresh meal. I was typically there around the lunch hour, so I'm not going to complain about long lines and wait times. That was inevitable due to the time and location (lunch hour + high school students = no good).
The food is SUPERB, but this place had one flaw: The plum sauce.
I'd receive my order, the Veggie Spring Roll Bowl. This came with, tofu, my choice of rice or vermicelli, and two veggie spring rolls. All great....until you'd pop open the box to frustratingly find that your only option for dip is a cup of fish sauce. Really? I don't know about you but I eat my spring rolls with plum sauce.
After months of providing them with my loyal business, I one day finally worked up the courage to ask for plum sauce. Please note that I asked this politely, I was not aggressive with my request, and after asking, received two packets of sauce. That's barely enough for half a spring roll! But, because I was in dire need of plum sauce, I accepted the packets and went on my way.
Every day, both my confidence and craving towards my request for plum sauce grew stronger. I'd ask the same polite way for some packets, but eventually I'd say, "can I please have more?" This is when the feud truly began. After I said those words, my relationship with the employees faced a steep decline. You should have seen the look on the lady's face when I asked for extra. Utter disgust. Following that, I only received one extra packet.
I nearly reached a point of acceptance with the received quantity of packets until I watched my friend order their 4 piece spring roll meal. Four spring rolls and a CUP of plum sauce! I knew it to be true, there WAS more sauce. And so, with that newly obtained knowledge, I confidently asked for more sauce. As routine followed, the lady handed me: Two packets of sauce. I'd ask for more. She'd hand me another.
But that day, I didn't just leave after receiving the 3rd package. At first, I did turn around and take a step towards the door, but I knew what had to be done. So, I turned back around, squinted and said, "wait...don't you have cups of plum sauce?" You will not believe what happened next.
The lady looked me straight in the eyes and nonchalantly squatted her way to the floor. While she was doing this I really thought she was going for the cup of plum sauce, but five minutes passed and I grew suspicious. I peered over and down the counter and there she was, still squatting, with a chapstick clenched in her left hand. My question drew her under the table!
After that day, my experiences at Thai Tai were awkward and uncomfortable. I began ordering fries so I didn't have to ask for plum sauce. I'd still recommend this place to anyone, I'd just warn them to be careful with what they ask for.