| - For me, Falbo's has always been a trip down memory lane. During my time at UW Falbo's was always the late-night pizza of choice for my roommates and me. When I was a freshman I remember walking to their old University Avenue location to grab a slice for lunch. As I continued my storied and distinguished college career I always seemed to be in proximity to Falbo's. For two years I lived a block away from the Park Street location. There were plenty of nights where I'd come home at bar time to find my roommates playing PS2. They'd call in an order and then give the money. I'd go pick it up so as to not disturb their video game. Our arrangement was great, and I don't think I paid for pizza more than a couple times over those years. Fast forward a few years: I'm out of college and working for a living. There are no more bar time nights or roommates, well at least no roommates. I've even moved out to the suburbs. But imagine my surprise when I realize that there is an outpost of college nostalgia in Middleton - a Falbo's not much more than five minutes down the road.
I was first clued into this shocking development a couple months into my first apartment in Middleton. A friend from college was in town and couch surfing at my place for a week, and after one Thursday night at the Boar we stumbled back to my place and he wanted to order a pizza. I told him that I didn't know of much in the area, just a Domino's and Buck's, but I improvised and grabbed a phonebook from the pile in the lobby. I didn't believe it at first, but the Falbo's guy confirmed that they were in fact located in Middleton, at 12 & Century. Thirty minutes later we had our pizza and it was great.
Falbo's pizza is the gold standard for what I consider "college pizza" - thin crust pepperoni & cheese, delivery late into the night. My tastes have grown since college and I prefer the specialty pizzas at Roman Candle and Picasso's to the old pepperoni & cheese standard, but it's hard to go wrong with the delicious simplicity of a well-made pie. The best aspects of Falbo's are the thin crust and the cheese. The pizza is never too greasy or soggy. Over the last few years I don't believe I've ever ordered anything but that old college standard, pepperoni & cheese, and although I know they've got a big menu I've never really delved into it. If I ordered delivery more often then I'd probably know more about what they have, but almost every situation has been one where a friend is coming over or is staying and I want to order something quick and simple. Falbo's is perfect for this, and if I've got the time I can run over there for pick-up and save a couple of minutes. I don't think Falbo's is the best pizza in Middleton - I like Roman Candle for this. But Falbo's is the best for quick and fast delivery, and for me recalls some of favorite memories of my college years.