I love Elvis and I love Cirque du Soleil. I didn't love the Viva Elvis show.
1. Video clips. It was nice to be reminded of Elvis' accomplishments. I especially enjoyed the "kissing" montage.
2. The military segment.
3. The ballet dancers en pointe. Having danced balled for 14 years, I'm a sucker for any ballet dancing.
4. The contemporary duo dance scene. Think So You Think You Can Dance, with way too many (read: fake feeling) longing embraces and desperate "push-aways."
5 Jail House segment.
1. Not enough acrobatics
2. Unentertaining "host" character
3. Too many repetitive dance steps and acrobatic tricks. Seemed like they were trying to drag out the scenes. I kept thinking, "didn't they just do that same dance segment?"
4. Random superhero trampoline segment that didn't really feel like Elvis. I understand he liked comics, but it still felt out of place.
When we left the theater, I asked my husband, what did you think? He replied with, "we paid the right price." (thanks to Misty Y.!!) I can honestly say I will not recommend this show to my out of town friends or family who are coming to Vegas. Sorry to say that since I love Elvis and I love Cirque du Soleil.