This review is purely for the state of disarray that the women's bathroom was in. It's not that it was disgustingly dirty. It just lacked some basic but very necessary attention.
The first issue was that the toilet paper holder was empty. But wait-it wasn't complete panic cause lo and behold some clever (or lazy, I suppose) individual had a roll placed on top of the trash can behind the toilet provided for sanitary napkins and such. I just can't...
Next, I go to the sink to wash my hands and notice a rather large brown paper bag sitting on top of the counter. 'Oh shoot,' I thought, 'some poor homeless person has left their bag here.' But wait again-it wasn't the property of the homeless! It was full of napkins and placed there by an enterprising (or lazy, I suppose again) individual in lieu of filling the proper paper towel dispenser. In what's becoming a pattern at this Mickey D's, again I just can't...
There's really no excuse for this in the public restroom of a restaurant. I seriously left without getting food cause I'm concerned that if the bathroom is that sketchy, the kitchen must be downright frightening. And I ain't lovin' that!