My husband and I were looking to go out to eat downtown after his gig and thought we would check out the new restaurant next to the Turf...Pomo. Well. Guess not. They were closing at 11 and we were ready to eat and drinka nd hang out on the patio. SENS, why did you MOVE? I don't like the new patio you have...sorry...
I digress. Anyhow, as the story goes, we were standing around thinking maybe we would have an amazing rum drink at Breadfruit and then we heard music. Did I mention my hubby is a musician? LIve music? In this building? Wow...let's check it out. We head towards the back to what is now called "Squash Blossom" and wondering to ourselves "didn't the big sign outside say Breakfast and Lunch only?" Hmm...this is promising...
And it was amazing. It was like walking into another world. The seemingly boring back space that was impossible to fill when it was the PastaBAR is now hopping and I mean - HOPPING with people listening to latin music and dancing and drinking and loving life. We had to be part of we waited for a table to open up and snagged it and ordered late night eats and drank fun drinks that we had NO IDEA was in them and listened to live music and had a BLAST.
Everything is in Spanish, even the name...which we quickly realized was a Spanish version of Squash Blossom (who they share the space with). Brilliant (I love stuff like that). We were served by no less than 4 folks (primarily a fellow named David who was so charming!) who hovered over the tables like bees on flowers. It was skillful and terribly flattering. I loved that they cared. They asked for feedback on the amazing guacamole and offered suggestions on some fun drinks. They asked us to come back again. Who does that? REALLY who does that? They came by, shook our hands and looked me in the eyes and said "we would love it if you came by again and joined us for dinner, thank you for coming."
Honestly, ithis was one of the most remarkable experiences I have had in Phoenix. The unique food and drinks as well as the lovely service and amazing patrons of this "Latin Lounge" made us feel perfectly at home - even though we don't know how to salsa or speak spanish. The music was wonderful, the band was fun and upbeat. And for you single folks, there were plenty of tables of ladies and some swarthy good-looking men to meet as well.
I would definately check this place out...we plan to go back for dinner very soon! What a find....