This place is definitely geared toward kids. "What amusement park isn't?" you might ask, and I'd be inclined to agree...but when I say "kids" I mean *little* kids. The most exciting ride there is one where you ride a log up a track and it comes down and gets you slightly wet. The coasters are about 30 seconds long and about as scary as driving on I-17; the more tame of the two, called "The Patriot," gives you two go-rounds in one sitting, but that's not really any consolation.
Most of the other stuff is pretty stock, from the arcade to the low-quality food. Only odd thing I noticed is that the park is "branded" by RC Cola as opposed to Coke or Pepsi; not that I care which multinational corporation is being shoved in my face on every cup, banner, and trinket, just found it odd that such an off-brand dominates this place- should have been some indication of the park's lacklusterness.
Unless you have brats the age where they like about anything (8 and under), I'd say save your 20+ bucks a head and wait till you have the funds to go to a real park, or the fair comes to town.