We were visiting from out of town, and quite frankly I'm a bit of a Starbucks ho. So was disappointed that the closest 'bucks was way further than I would want to drive, considering that the friends we were staying with was a good ten minute trek up the mountain above Fairview. We had passed this place on our way out for the day and turned around thinking it might a possible option. First sip was, well different. But the more I got into my cup the more I realized I had found someone that could make a better latte than Starbucks ever dreamed of. On our way to visit the Biltmore on Sunday, we were anxious to stop by here again. Alas, they were closed (CLEARLY POSTED ON THEIR HOURS SIGN MONTE!), so we disappointingly drove to the Starbucks outside of the Biltmore gate. Monday morning they were open and we were able to partack in latte heaven one last time before we left for home.
The owner and her staff were super sweet and helpful. They have assorted pastries and sandwiches (which were good!). Wide open space, very cute and cozy place to hang out if we'd had more time. As someone previously said, there is a drive thru, and they also have a cute little patio on the side.
All in all a awesome little place. We wish them lots of luck, we'll be back!