If you're looking for a way to spend your day and see everything you can buy in one place
--THIS IS YOUR SPOT-- You can pick up the local AZ salsa, art, deco AND some items you'd even find at a shopping mall...sandals anyone??
I can't say prices are a steal because I simply don't know; but what I CAN tell you is that I discovered some amazing local brands (olive oil, salsa, balsamic) I wouldn't have found otherwise.
I'm looking forward to coming again when it's cooler temps, I came at the beginning of August and it was simply HOT and a lot of vendors aren't set up during this time of year.
There were definitely a few things I got for my home that I love.
Be prepared to spend ALL day here && Take an extra shirt for when you're done...it's HOT in those walk ways and you'll have had a sweaty day and will want a clean dry shirt to ride home in.