We had tried Veloute originally when it first opened and to be frank were impressed neither by the food, or service. Being of an open mind and having read a number of reviews on a local Facebook page we decided to give it another whirl :)
So, here we go .........second first impression very favourable :) server polite and attentive.
I went with the Calamari starter and my partner the Salmon tartar.. Fortunately my partner and myself like to swap ( keep it clean please) so I got to taste both . Lovely jubley two thumbs up :)
The sweet potato gnocchi and lamb shank received wonderful reviews from Ms. Katie and the Muscovy duck with mushroom risotto was also very good. A tad over seasoned for my salt sensitive palate but not too much so and super crispy. Again two thumbs up. A wee bit skimpy on the serving size and the table bread was average but otherwise a solid meal. I wonder what dessert has in store for us.
mmmmm real cool Dark chocolate mouse and a wonderful creme brûlée, so let's see...3 courses and six thumbs up. They have acquitted themselves well. We shall will return.