Location: 1 Bass Pro Mills Drive, Vaughan, ON L4K 5W4
Parking: DA WORSE
I have finally decided to Yelp about Vaughan Mills (Vmills).
To be honest it's a decent mall, but there are things I ask myself when I'm there: Why are you doing this to yourself? This mall has no parking space ever (early weekdays only tbh). Do you want to drive around an hr to find parking? Would you like to walk a mile after finding a spot? Are you mental prepared to be honked at from crazy drivers? Are you mentally prepared for crazy drivers? Seriously isn't there a way to avoid this? It's literally a personal pep talk before going....
I do, I really do want to like Vmills. But it has the worse park lot design. Especially the intersection when ppl from the plaza are driving in to get to Vmills... The worse is when the holiday season rolls around!!! You will have to park at the plazas around there and walk over. It's a real thing, I use to work at this mall. It really does give me a headache and a half!
The mall itself is getting a lot of upgrades so that's the upside! There's a lot of new stores they are adding. Note: not every store at Vmills is an outlet.
I try my best to go on weekdays if I have the time off. Other than that I cry before I go on the weekends.