Regan Rutledge really outshined the competition. He was the first to call when I solicited re-fi proposals on, the first to pull my Tri-Merge report, and the first to recognize my best bet was FHA. Other brokers kept calling saying they could beat Reliance's closing costs, but none could.
As time wore on, it became clear that Regan had done the heavy lifting up front to avoid disappointing me late in the process. While Reliance did request additional documentation during the approval phase, there were relatively few surprises. Regan and his team held my hand the whole way and the loan closed right on schedule.
This was the first loan I shopped and applied for and closed entirely online without meeting anyone face to face and I have to say it went very smoothly. I really appreciated how readily most of the lenders bidding for my business shared detailed closing estimates. Having all those documents available online really aided my decision making.
Based on this experience, I strongly recommend you consider virtual lenders and very strongly recommend Regan Rutledge at Reliance.